Writing Procedure Manuscripts for Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali,
[Title Format: Arial, Initial Capital Letter, Font Size 14, Bold, Center, Single Line Spacing]
Title is kept short, interesting, and shows the subject of discussion.
The word count is not more than 15 words.
Author1, Author2 [Arial, 10, bold, center]
1,2Departments, Faculties, Institutions [Arial, 11, normal, center]
Institution address, city, zip code, telephone contact.
E-mail: 1author’semail1@domain.extension1, 2author’semail2@domain.extension2
Write name of the author without titles and positions; do not abbreviate the name, write the name of the institution clearly.
Abstract [Arial 9 bold, left justified] must contain:
Purpose: in simple words tell the reader about the purpose of this research. No discussion, no story, just the purpose of the research.
Design/methodology/approach: name, brand, type of tools, methods, software, reviews, and surveys that have been used to conduct this research. No discussion or explanation. [Maximum 60 words]
Results and discussion: Write only the main results and discussion in a few words. No discussion or explanation.
Implications: Write down the conclusions in a few words from the implications/meanings of the research results.
Abstract is maximum of 200 words and/or maximum of one initial page for two types of abstracts. The contents of the abstract are written using the font Arial, 9, single spaced and in one column format. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. The Indonesian abstract is written before the English abstract.
Keywords: font, paper, format [words are written in lowercase except for abbreviations, in 3-6 words, separated by commas, Arial, 9. Use words or phrases that specifically describe the contents of the article, considering the convenience of keywords when searching in search engines (for example, search using Google), do not use uncommon abbreviations.
The following are instructions or procedures for writing in Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali. The author is fully responsible for the contents of the manuscript written. The content of the manuscript is the author's original work that has never been published in other print or online media. [Arial, 11, normal 1.5 spacing]. Articles can be presented in Indonesian or English.
The contents of the article include research, development, implementation, inventions and regional development innovations related to efforts to increase and progress of the development, civilization and welfare of the people of the Province of Bali.
The format of the contents of the manuscript is divided into four parts, namely:
- Introduction; contains background and research objectives based on problems and phenomena and their relationship with existing theories. Show the novelty of existing research.
- Research methods; contains an explanation of the research approach used, research focus, respondents, sample size and determination, method of data collection and method of data analysis.
- Results and discussion; contains discussion of data and analysis related to the methods used and implications for research results (scientific impact).
- Conclusion; contains research conclusions and suggestions for further research.
Length of Manuscript [Title of subchapter: Arial, 11, bold]
Manuscripts are written on A4 paper size with the number of pages being 10 – 20 pages, including tables and figures, and with reference to the writing procedures as set out in the writing or this style guide.
Script Organization
Each paragraph changes without blank line spacing and starts the paragraph with indentation on the 7th space beat to start the first letter. Spacing between lines for text is single. Numbering of headings with the Arabic system with sub-headings up to 3 levels maximum.
Tables must be numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). To indicate the location of the table, use the number of the table. Do not use the words below, above, following, etc. Table titles are written above the table in a centered position. Writing the table number is followed by a colon (:). The Arial font size used is 10 and the writing position is centered. Each table description is accompanied by a source or reference marked with square brackets [...] at the opening and closing of the source.
Table 1: Table Title (Arial, 10, normal 1 space)
[Source: source is preceded and ended by square brackets]
No. |
Name of Respondent |
Questionnaire Answers |
a |
b |
c |
d |
abstain |
1 |
Respondent A |
Agree |
Less |
More |
Good |
...etc |
2 |
Respondent B |
Agree |
Less |
More |
Good |
...etc |
3 |
Respondent C |
Agree |
Less |
More |
Good |
...etc |
...etc |
...etc |
...etc |
...etc |
...etc |
...etc |
...etc |
Figures must be numbered in the order of presentation (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). The title of the figure is placed below the image in a centered position. Write the figure number followed by a period (.) then the title of the figure. Arial font size used is 10, position in the middle. Each figure description must be accompanied by a source or reference marked with square brackets [...] at the opening and closing of the source. Each table description is accompanied by a source or reference, to indicate the location of the figure, use the number of the figure. Do not use the words below, above, following, etc.
Figure 1. Figure Title (Arial, 10, normal 1 space)
[Source: source is preceded and ended by square brackets]
References are written sequentially and everything listed in the references must be referred to in the manuscript. Sources of quotations in the manuscript are written in brackets, for example: (Sihombing, 2007: 27).
Manuscript writing uses the Arial font throughout the manuscript, with the font size as exemplified in this writing guide. The spacing is single and the contents of the text or manuscript use left-right alignment (justified).
Page Size
Page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). Page margins are 2.5 cm top and bottom. Especially for odd pages (or right-sided sheets in a book) using a 3 cm margin and even pages (or left-sided sheets in a book) using a 3 cm margin, the rest follows the top-bottom margin.
Script Layouts
An easy way to create layouts is to use this guide directly.
Leave one blank line between different chapters and between sub-chapters in the manuscript.
This guide has explained how manuscripts/articles should be written and prepared for publication in Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali. All incoming manuscripts will go through a review process by reviewers. Manuscripts that are accepted will be published in one print and online edition of the journal.
REFERENCES [without numbers and written in capital letters, Arial, 11]
Writing a bibliography uses the following conditions;
- The manuscript contains a minimum of 15 references. At least 80% of references must use accredited journals, scientific research results, or theses/dissertations no later than the last 5 years.
- References use Mendeley citation software in citing referred sources.
- The standard for writing references is based on the APA Style method which is described as follows:
(Reference from the book)
Author, Initials/Degree/First name. Year in brackets. Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
Redman, P. (2006). Good essay writing: a social sciences guide. 3rd ed. London: Open University in assoc. with Sage.
(Reference from journal article)
Author, Initials. Year in brackets. Article title. Full title of journal, Volume number (Issue/Part number), pages.
Boughton, J. M. (2002). The Bretton Woods proposal: an in depth look. Political Science Quarterly, 42 (6), pp.564-78.
(Reference from newspaper article)
Author, Initials. Year in brackets. Article title. Full title of newspaper, date and month before page and column line numbers.
Slapper, G. (2005). Corporate manslaughter: new issues for lawyers. The Times, Sept. 3. p.s. 4b.
(Reference from conference)
Author, editor or organization. Year in brackets. Full title of the conference. Location, Date, Publisher: the place of publication.
UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs). (2005). 6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory and transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005. United Nations: New York.
(Reference from conference paper)
Author. Year in brackets. Full title of the conference. In: followed by the editor or organization name, Full title of the conference. Location, Date, Publisher: the place of publication.
Brown, J. (2005). Evaluating surveys of transparent governance. In: UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), 6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory and transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005. United Nations: New York.
(Reference from dissertation)
Author. Year in brackets. Dissertation title. University place or address: University name.
Richmond, J. (2005). Customer expectations in the world of electronic banking: a case study of the Bank of Britain. Ph. D. Chelmsford: Anglia Ruskin University.
(Reference from Websites)
Source. Year in brackets. Web page title. (update date) URL: address/URL and details such as date of access.
National electronic Library for Health. (2003). Can walking make you slimmer and healthier? (Hitting the headlines article) [Online] (Updated 16 Jan 2005) URL: http://www.nhs.uk.hth.walking
[Accessed April 10, 2005].