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Purpose: This research aims to examine the challenges in waste management in Bali, with a focus on the role of the community in supporting sustainable tourism practices.

Research methods: This research combines qualitative interviews with community leaders and analysis of quantitative data on waste management from various initiatives.

Results and discussion: Community involvement significantly increases the effectiveness of waste management strategies. In particular, initiatives such as waste banks and local clean-up campaigns have galvanized community participation, resulting in increased recycling rates and reduced waste in affected areas. Empowering local communities results in innovative solutions and a stronger sense of ownership of environmental issues for sustainable tourism practices.

Implication: Policymakers should prioritize community-based approaches in waste management strategies to achieve successful sustainable tourism practices.

Keywords: Bali waste management, community engagement, sustainable tourism, environmental sustainability


Bali waste management, community engagement, sustainable tourism, environmental sustainability

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How to Cite
Shantika, B., & Wijaya, I. N. C. (2024). Towards Sustainable Tourism Destination: Addresing Waste Management Solutions in Bali. Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali, 5(3), 284-296. Retrieved from


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